We want to celebrate and recognize the passion, dedication, and integrity Kansas wheat farmers bring to their work every single day, and we need your help! Send us your photos of Kansas wheat farmers who are ensuring the health and well-being of future generations through their determination and enthusiasm.
Can I send in my cell phone photos?
Yes! Horizontal photos are preferred, but vertical photos may be submitted. Vertically oriented photos will be cropped for final use.
Can I take a picture of an old photo with my cell phone?
Yes! Just be sure to get the entire picture in the frame and avoid any big reflections. Or if you have access to a scanner you can use that as well.
Can I send more than one photo?
Yes! We are welcoming any and all photos of Kansas wheat farmers and their families.
Does it have to be of a person, or can it be of my field, combine, wheat, etc.?
We want to recognize the people behind the wheat, but we will accept all photos related to Kansas wheat farmers.